Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dogs, dogs and more dogs

my pwipwi's, Ngon mochen Guam. The Chuukese Language is so gangsta'. I'm enjoying studying it. I got the Pictures from the wedding and it looked really cool. And the boxes, thank you. Guam has been really cool thus far. I feel like I'm learning so much. We have an investigator now that will be baptized on the 16th. Her name is Jade and She's doing really well. We have about 3 other baptisimal prospects but they are a little frustrating because they arent as consistant as I would want them to be. Well two of them have only been taught once this past week and are new so I cant really say that. Two of the guys we are teaching are car finatics and have their own projects. I saw a sick 63 bug last night. and Chamorro trucks....The chamorros here love their drag/lowriders. We see some interesting cars. So I get to meet the new President today. Saying goodbye to President and Sister Dowdle was really sad. I cant wait till mission renunions.  We have interviews tomorrow and a zone conference on Wednesday. I'm really excited. Elder Adams and I are getting along really well and I am looking forward to the upcoming weeks. On a funny side, The other night Elder Adams and I went to contact a Chuukese family the other night but the only one home was their 18 year old daughter. She had the door open before we even got to the door, came outside and sat down, flattening out her skirt, and tidying up her hair. She was a lil flirty but not enough for us to be sure so we told her we'd check back later. The second time she was the only one home  again but she didn't seem excited to see us. Same goes for this time. Yesterday at church I walk into the Chapel and see this girl sitting with some friends. She waves and smiles and I was just thinking "you've gotta be kidding me" Elder Adams welcomed her and then we took our seats and laughed about the matter. Her family and her friends family really do have good potential though so I dunno. Other than that its been, dogs, dogs, more dogs, ugly dogs, annoying small dogs, wait! a cute puppy. and more ugly dogs. A few slammed doors, a "busy" stonner, so many phillipinos!! And Chuukese. I love the Micronesian people. Elder Adams and I have the "ranches" in our area. All dirt roads, out in the back country that only the Micronesians live on. They live everywhere but only micronesians are on the ranches. We like those better than the normal housing because we've both become so accustomed to the culture and we feel more comfortable out there. Its all good. I do ask however that you send my express jacket because the apartment is cold, and my Black shoes are done for. The missionary mall should have some good ones. Elder Adams has "Borns." the Air Force base is also in my area and so my ward is basically all Airforce personnel. As for the Flashdrive....whenever. I'll check back next week, Happy 4th of July!
-Elder Lapeyrouse

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